We offer cancer information materials, emotional support, signposting to benefits advice, onward referrals, Holistic Needs Assessments, volunteering opportunities, coffee mornings, and signposting to local support groups. We also run support groups at the centre - including a singing group, two walking groups, craft groups, yoga, circuit training and a feeling young and fabulous support group. There are also a number of tumour specific support groups that we can refer people to. We run the ‘HOPE Course' (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) three times per year, to help people manage the day to day impact cancer has on their lives and rediscover their strengths after treatment ends. We organise Health & Wellbeing Events three times a year, to support people living with and beyond cancer to find out about all the support which is available to them locally and to support self-management. We also offer counselling through the Centre. You can follow centre events and courses on our centre website www.southportmacmillancentre.org.uk, on our facebook page www.facebook.com/southportmacmillancentre and tweet us at @SouthportMacC.
We offer:
- Information
Opening times:
Open for drop-in Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm (though not Bank Holidays) - telephone support also available.
Find out more:
- Information & Support Centre Manager on 01704 533024
- sfccg.macmillancic@nhs.net
- www.southportmacmillancentre.org.uk